India - Delhi - Statues of King George V and other Imperial notables and Viceroys at the Coronation Durbar site
Statues of King George V and other Imperial notables and Viceroys at the Coronation Durbar site near Delhi, India. The statues were removed from New Delhi in the 1960's. The statue of George V originally stood under the canopy of India
Author: Stuart Freedman
©Stuart Freedman
Photo size: 17.5 Mpixels (50 MB uncompressed) - 3412x5118 pixels (11.4x17.1 in / 28.9x43.3 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: alabaster, British, Coronation, Durbar, empire, emporer, English, granite, grass, heritage, India, king, King George V, New Delhi, park, plinth, Raj, royal, ruin, statue, stone
Published in: India - Delhi - Coronation Durbar